After visiting Montezuma, Costa Rica in January 2023, I knew I had to return to the area. Only this time with my family!
I fell in love with the healthy food, laid back lifestyle, and care for the environment. The yoga retreat I was on was located on the Nicoya Peninsula- one of the most beautiful and ecologically diverse areas in the world. It's considered a Blue Zone, one of only 5 places in the world where people live the longest and healthiest lives.
I wanted my family to see this incredible place but I wanted to explore a new area. So after some research, we decided to check out Brasilito and Playa Flamingo (yes Flamingo Beach!) on the western coast of Costa Rica. This week long trip will help us practice traveling with one backpack each and one carry-on. Luckily, the hot and wet weather means small and light clothing which is similar to Southeast Asia in the Fall.
We're hoping to go horseback riding, visit a nature preserve, maybe learn to surf, and of course go swimming. We'll also get to practice our Spanish. Mine is a bit rusty since it's been 15 years since I lived in Argentina. The language is still in the subregions of my brain and I'm hoping to dust it off and use it. Fay Luna is learning Spanish at school and David can practice his hospital Spanish (Lengua afuera- tongue out, Brazos arriba- arms out, etc ;). We'll see how this goes!
Stay Tuned for updates and pictures from this adventure! Or if you've been to this region, let me know some must do activities!
We'll be heading to Costa Rica June 22 for a week long summer vacation trip! Let me know of any tips you have if you've been to the Nicoya Peninsula. :)